Help with Logging In

As a Learner, there are a few steps you can try before intervention from management is required.

First, check where you're logging in to. Make sure it is the proper place you have been directed to log in. If you're trying to sign in somewhere else, your credentials either won't work, or you're signing into something separate from this system.

If your credentials aren't recognized at the correct login page, select the Reset your Password prompt. This will give you the opportunity to submit the Username you're attempting to sign in with.

If, at the end of the recovery process, you have not received a reset code, and you have checked your junk/spam folders, your account is affected by at least one of three scenarios:

1) the username you attempted to recover does not exist
2) the account you attempted to recover for is not active / cannot sign in
3) your password recovery questions have not been filled out

For all three of these scenarios, you will require management intervention. The best way to proceed is to provide the username you attempted to recover a password for, and the email you believe to be associated with the account. If your account exists, but is inactive, your account can be re-activated by management. If your account does not exist, it can be created for you, and you be emailed a temporary password. Upon login, you will be prompted to fill out password recovery questions, and a new secure password.