General Troubleshooting

If you've spent some time training in the system, you may notice things that aren't operating or do not render as you have historically understood. While it may be the case changes have been made to an item's behavior, because the system is being accessed as an online service, some of the quirks of being online may be present; what and how these affect you can vary based on your browser, your internet service provider, your operating system, among other things.

If you are experiencing something you think may be an issue, here are some steps you can try:

Completely clear your browser cache

Clearing your browser cache forces your browser to grab the latest files for the site. This often resolves display issues, but can extend far beyond as well. How this is performed will vary based on the browser you are accessing the system from. For the most commonly used browsers, check out the links below for instruction:

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari (MacOS)

Apple Safari (iOS)

Completely close your browser, and restart

If clearing your browser cache didn't resolve the issue, the next step is to completely close and restart your browser. Often, this will purge any locally stored browser cookies. It's important to note that closing your browser window may not actually 'quit' the browser application; for example, on iOS devices, you will need to 'swipe up' to completely close the browser application.

Reboot your device

Both previous steps address common browser level issues, but not all issues stem from your browser. Depending on the device you're accessing the browser from, applications and extensions installed on your desktop can be affecting your browser experience. Some of these will try running again immediately on your device startup, and may continue to present issues; but restarting will end many services that were manually launched since the previous startup.

Contact the administrator

There are many levels of troubleshooting you can continue to check for, but if you've reached this point without any improvements, contact the administrator to confirm if what you're experiencing is operating as designed. It's quite possible that the content you're accessing has changed its functionality since you last accessed it, and the administrator is aware of its behavior.